Аutomotive catalogue - GAZ-66
GAZ-66, GAZ-66 with a winch, GAZ-66-11<< back to the table of contents
Application of bearings | GOST designation of bearings | VBF designation of bearings |
Generator |
180502К1С9Ш1 | 62202.2RS |
180603К1С9Ш1 | 62303.2RS | |
Engine: | 6-20703А1 (А2) | 20703А |
Cooling system | 6-20803АК1У (АК2У) | 20803АКЗ |
6-207А (К5) | 6207 | |
6-306К5 | 6306 | |
Compressor |
50207 | 6207N |
6-50209А2 | 6209N/A2 | |
Power takeoff | 6-50307А1 | 6307N/A1 |
6-60203А (АС17) | 6203Z | |
Transfer gear case | 50309 | 6309N |
208 | 6208/К | |
50307 | 6307N/A1 | |
306К | 6306 | |
Gear box | 50307 | 6307N/A1 |
60203 | 6203Z | |
50209 | 6209N/A2 | |
8209Н | 51209.М1 | |
6-208А | 6208 | |
Front axle | 50307 | 6307N/A1 |
Winch with reduction gear | 6-50307А1 | 6307N/A1 |
6-50309 | 6309N | |
Steering wheel | 776702Х | 776702Х |
Electrical equipment |
6-180502К1С9 | 62202.2RS/Y |
6-180603АС9 | 62203.2RS |